This big "O'Paddy -- "Release/Push Lock is BIG on style and should be used on a bag where you want the lock to be the focal point.
With its mini purse shape and cute keyhole lock, this lock has a very smooth finish and with faux riveting. The latch component will accommodate a handbag flap thickness compressed to 3mm.
This lock closure is easily opened by pressing the key hole to the right, which then releases the top clasp-bar. To securely re-latch, press the top clasp-bar piece button into the bottom hole and pressed together.
Lock is a screw back and does not have prongs.
Currently only available in Glossy Nickel, Light Gold and Glossy Gun Metal
Installation: Each lock includes one full sized lock washer, 5 screws, a lock component and a lock latch.
Lock Dimensions:
When latched: 64mm wide x 67mm long x 20mm high (at the keyhole) (2 1/2" x 2 5/8" x 5/8")
Flap Thickness Accommodation: 3mm